Jonathan Mossberg Announced as New CEO for Kalashnikov USA

Firearms industry executive, Jonathan Mossberg, assumes the helm of Kalashnikov USA in a move to aggressively place the firearms manufacturer as a leading supplier of small arms.

Kalashnikov USA, designers and manufacturers of AK style shotguns, rifles and pistols paying homage to an iconic Russian design, proudly announce firearms industry veteran, Jonathan Mossberg, has assumed the position of CEO for the company.
Mossberg has worked his way through the firearms industry from factory level, manufacturing, operations, R&D, financial and sales and marketing to executive positions in business development, acquisitions, engineering and as president of several corporations. From start-ups to mature companies and companies on the verge of bankruptcy, he has driven revenues and innovation, leading these companies to experience exponential and sustainable growth. Mossberg holds several US and International patents and has sat on several industry boards including the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI) and the Wildlife Management Institute. He has also authored several published papers through the National Institute of Justice Library.
“I am thrilled about taking on this leadership role within Kalashnikov USA,” Jonathan Mossberg added. “It is imperative that we meet and exceed our customers’ expectations by designing and producing excellent quality firearms. My goal is to grow KUSA into a world-class firearms manufacturing company.”
Mossberg’s first call to action as the new CEO will be to review and expand KUSA’s R&D capabilities, incorporating his extensive knowledge of research and development, supply chain management and fiscal responsibility. In recent years, Kalashnikov-USA has released several firearms designed based on the DNA of the renowned Russian AK design including the KS-12 Shotgun based on the Russian Saiga series, the KR-9 9mm semi-automatic rifle based on the Russian Vityaz-SN submachine gun and the pistol version, the KP-9. Mossberg intends to improve and expand the current line – with a USA made AK-47 next in line.
The challenges Mossberg faces in a soft firearms market are many, and executives at Kalashnikov USA are pleased to have a multi-faceted and experienced leader drive Kalashnikov USA to the next level with increased production, quicker turn-around time, and more innovation in new product offerings to their commercial, law enforcement and military customers.
Find out more about Kalashnikov-USA at
About Kalashnikov USA:
(KUSA) is a privately owned and operated United States company that designs, manufacturers and markets firearms for the law enforcement, military and commercial markets. Designs are based upon the iconic Kalashnikov model using today’s state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies and materials.
Published in AK-47 / Everything AK