22MAG / 22 WIN-Auto / 22 WRF Reloader Kit


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Affordable 22 LR Ammo At Last!

Like most people today, you probably didn’t even realize it was possible to reload 22 long rifle ammo. As you can see, it is not only possible but also convenient with one powerful tool and a few accessories.

Our manual contains close up photography, cutaway views, and all details necessary to reload without any other means.

If you are concerned with the 22 LR ammo shortage and tired of looking for bullets to go plinking, our kit will help you become self-sufficient and enjoy shooting on your own terms.

This kit is a must have if you are serious about your bug out bag list and survival gear. With the included instruction pamphlet, you will be re-loading 22 LR ammo using available resources while others are left empty handed.

Whether you are preparing an adequate bug out bag with your survival gear or simply want to reload your own 22 long rifle ammo, the Sharpshooter 22LR Reloader Kit is your answer.

The Sharpshooter 22 MAG reloading kit is extremely light and compact. It is made to last for generations. This 22 MAG reloader is a must have for survival tool for the ultimate preparedness.

If you are looking an affordable option for bulk 22 MAG at a reasonable price. $10-15 dollars per brick (500), this is the reloader for you.

This Kit will load 22 MAG, 22 WRF, 22 WIN. Another great answer to the rim fire ammo shortage.

Bullet molds are very intricate objects. At Sharpshooter LLC, we have spent a lot of time and resources developing every aspect of the mold. Our molds have a steel spur cutter that cuts the base of the bullet flat and a lube groove that allows you to properly lubricate the bullet as they pass down the rifling.

Finally, the tool includes two bullet molds. Both are 40gr. Round nose that we have tested from 850 fps to 1760 fps giving you the world’s first 22 mag reloading kit.

Powders Used To Reload: Red Dot, Green Dot, Bullseye, Lil Gun, and Pyrodex P.

Whether you’re simply looking for a way to beat inflation, supply and demand, or for enhancing your survival capabilities in an emergency, our 22 rimfire reloader is your answer.

Times change, and situations arise that call for the right tools for the job.

The Sharpshooter 22 lr reloader kit fills the need in such situations by providing the right tools and the proper instruction to ensure that you are never caught without access to ammo.

It’s no secret that changes in gun laws, challenges to 2nd Amendment gun rights, and the current political climate have heightened concerns over future access to both guns and ammunition.

The current ammo shortage, particularly with 22lr ammo, is disturbing to say the least.

However, you can be prepared and still have your own ammo with our kit.