Brand new stainless sig p226 complete set

Ships From: United States (US)

Sold By : AmendedArms66 Store


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Sig 226 .40 stainless with original box, 2 magazines and black grips for $580. This is a full stainless 226, unlike most with an aluminum frame. These full stainless models are substantial in weight, and are not in production any longer. For an additional $150 you can have the complete kit . Which includes 4 additional 12 round magazines ,SRT trigger kit($50), Hogue G10 green grips($100), Sig .357 barrel($175) and Truglo night sints($100). The .357 Sig barrel only has 50 rounds through it. The .40 barrel appears to only have a few hundred rounds. i can ship it anywhere within the US
contact or text 6469262402


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