


Ships From: United States (US)

Sold By : roger _purcella


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The way my scope mount is better than all the others is it is a side mount that has a part that comes out over the bore. The scope mount is more stable with the leg over the receiver like a regular scope mount and mine does not mount on the barrel or existing sights and it has a part that hangs in midair over the bore so when you pull the trigger the scope mount will not vibrate, my idea will make it stable.
The only modifications to the rifle would be a slight modification to the stock you will have to cut out a portion of the stock. The bolt will have to be bent to accommodate the scope mount which is a good modification. These modifications make the mount stable to the receiver and secure with the leg over the receiver. Changing the bolt makes the pull much smoother and allows the mount to be completely secure with no vibration.


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