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Ships From: United States (US)

Sold By: Grizzly Targets LLC





So here it is. The toughest, longest lasting AR500 steel plate rack system in America.

So what makes this so great?

Gone are the days of loose plates & bent bolts that are impossible to change. Racks that rust and leave your range looking awful. Parts that can’t be replaced, leaving you stuck purchasing an entire new unit. Some of the features include the following:

Our Proprietary Cam-Grip System:

Cam-style pucks hold plates in place. No bolts needed
Never gets loose
No bolts to get bent, damaged or mangled
Smooth operation
On Top of That, Also Included Are:

Body and legs that are hot dipped galvanized to maintain function, prevent rust and keep your range looking sharp!! Who wants rusted out and old looking equipment at their facility?!
Overbuilt, heavy duty construction that Grizzly Targets is known for. Buy it once and be done.
Front Guard is removable for easy replacement if needed. Not welded to unit, making replacement impossible. Our products are built to allow you maximum lifetime value.
Detachable Wheel System available for mobility. Need to move it around, or bring it in at night? Wheel system also doubles as a range cart once detached from rack and then re-locked to each other. This is the best plate rack for sale in America right now!

When we say that the SOCOM Rack is a piece of equipment that can change your entire range, we are not kidding. It’s built to last, it’s built to withstand whatever you throw at it and it’s built to actually be serviceable as it ages. Exactly what you need. And like all of our targets, it comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Something happens to it, we will take care of it.

We are in this game for the long haul and will do whatever it takes to not only earn – BUT ALSO KEEP- your business.

The MSRP on this unit will be $2399.95.

Also, you can email us at with your contact info and someone will get right back to you. Please put Plate Rack for Sale in subject line.

This is a pallet order item, so we need to speak in order to determine shipping, etc.

PS- Need to place a large order for steel? Save up to 40% off your other targets HERE



Rack Plates measure 5” x 3/8” thick. Laser cut, factory tested AR500 steel. Custom plate sizes available upon request.
Entire unit weighs 435 lbs
Measures 51” x 32” x 80”
Bail Plate (plate that protects bail mechanism) 12” x ⅜” AR500 steel Circle

Grizzly Cam-Grip System

Cam-style pucks hold plates in place. No bolts needed
Never gets loose
No bolts to get bent, damaged or mangled
Smooth operation

Features & Benefits

Body and legs hot dipped galvanized to maintain function, prevent rust and keep your range looking great
Overbuilt, heavy duty construction that Grizzly Targets is known for
Front Guard is removable for easy replacement if needed. Not welded to unit, making replacement impossible
Detachable Wheel System available for mobility

Rated for Handgun 25+ Yards

Rated for Rifle 100+ Yards