What Are the Best Archery Arrows Made Out Of

There are a variety of archery arrows on the market now days and depending on what you’ll be using them for, you should consider very carefully which arrow you choose for your bow.
Here are some of the different kinds of arrows, and what they’re made of. I’ve also made notes on what they’re best used for.
1. Wooden arrows. Wooden arrows have been used for centuries and form the shaft of most common arrows in history. The wooden arrow is simply made from various different kinds of wood, feathers are used for the veins and sometimes a piece of stone or sharpened steel is used for the head. These arrows can be made for little cost, but do not always fly all that straight, or last all that long. They tend to break easily, but as a trade-off they can be made in bulk and were used in many wars.
2. Aluminum arrows. These arrows can be made much more consistently straight than can be made with wood. However, the nature of aluminum means that these arrows can tend to bend when used often. Not to worry though, bent arrows can be straightened but this can also be a hassle if you don’t have the correct equipment or time. Aluminum arrows are used by many competition shooters because of the high degree of straightness that can be achieved in manufacturing. They are quite expensive so not recommended for those who are beginners as they might be lost and cost a lot to replace.
3. Fiberglass arrows. Fiberglass is a good arrow that comes in a large variety of sizes for most levels of user. Unfortunately the fiberglass arrows are very brittle and can break easily. Most short-range shooters will find that if they’re shooting well, they can sometimes hit one of their other arrows. This means it’s better to use fiberglass arrows for long-range shooting.
4. Carbon arrows. (These are often called composite arrows because they’re made of other materials as well as carbon) These are some of the best kinds of arrows on the market today. They are very flexible and light so they fly very quickly. They cost quite a bit so don’t buy them if you’re likely to lose arrows frequently. They bend quite a bit, but do not warp so will not need to be straightened. They’re not as brittle as fiberglass either. All in all, the carbon arrow is my favorite.
Published in Archery