Rule 5 Rewrite and Unbanning

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Ships From: United States (US)

Sold By : Boss Guns Store




Hey /r/GunDeals community! We have rewrote Rule 5 to be more clear on what titles Automod will prevent from posting and to further clean up titles.

**Titles are for brief and easily digestible info only.** No sensationalist headlines. No exclamations points. No question marks. No commentary. Format should follow **[Category] Item Title – $Price + S/H** ***(CPR, Code, Rebate, Coupon, Very Brief Instructions, etc)***

We have instituted stricter title rules due to the growth of the subreddit and /r/GunDeals becoming a bigger source of deals. The intent of the stricter title rules is to let the user judge the price of the deal themselves and not be influenced by irrelevant content in the title or having to hunt for the deal in the title.

If you have been banned from the subreddit, please fill out the unban form found here.


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