The Full Conceal Folding M3D Reviews Are In!

YouTuber personality Graham Baates reviews Full Conceal’s super compact, folding pistol with maximum firepower and concealibility.
Launched last year, Full Conceal introduced to gun enthusiasts a truly innovative firearm product, the M3D, a folding, semi-auto with the footprint of a cell phone that is total concealable yet produces maximum firepower. Built on a Glock 19, the company, located in Las Vegas, Nevada, took the concept of a sub compact conceal carry and gave it the firepower of a full sized pistol.
Graham is Army veteran of 15 years and two wars, competitive shooter, and former shooting instructor. Now working in the industry “Graham” writes for and and augments those articles with these videos.
Testing the folding pistol. The M3D by Full Conceal offers 21+1 rounds folded up in your front pocket. Magazine compatibility, ammo, and practical application all tested. Skeptical? Perhaps, but Graham runs the M3D through its paces including trying out a variety of magazines and ammo and demonstrates that concealing the M3D is comfortable, easy to draw and truly concealable.
From the Graham posts:
After some range time a hike, and some daily carry with the pistol I can affirm the following benefits:
More Capacity: 21+1 rounds of 9mm fit into a footprint about the size of a large phone. No matter which way you orient a Shield or similar single-stack 9mm it’s not quite as compact, and no 21+1 pistol that I own is even close to as small.
More Options: Business casual and warm weather have always limited carry options. With the M3D from Full Conceal that is no longer true. Because the footprint is rectangular the gun slips easily into a pocket. This means no more baggy shirts or awkward carry positions. The pistol also remains accessible from a pocket while seated unlike traditional 4 o’clock carry.
Safer: The M3D physically can not fire while folded. This eliminates the need for a holster. The pistol can not fire until fully assembled. As a result there is minimal risk of a finger on the trigger during the draw.
Overall I am very impressed with the M3D and look forward to what this concept will bring to the industry.
Founder and creator, Mike Full set out with a mission that would fill these basic requirements:
1) Naturally concealable (Footprint) – Has a footprint of a common cell phone so you can carry it in a pocket, purse or bag. You can tuck in your shirt and there are no clips on your belt that give away that you are carrying.
2) No holster required (Thin) – Be able to hide the pistol without a holster (so no added thickness). By the time you add a holster to a single-stack pistol, it will be thicker than normal double stack.
3) Safe / Reliable – When concealed without a holster, it is 100 percent safe from discharging the round in the chamber and is reliable in all aspects.
4) Quick / Easy Deploy – Quick and easy to deploy under stress and low-light conditions (like a movie theater). Only ONE simple action to deploy.
5) Full-sized gun – Full-length barrel (accuracy at distance), full-length slide (longer sight radius for aiming at longer distances), full-grip (more natural grip for rapid follow up shots and stability).
6) Max firepower – Deploy with the largest magazine capacity possible so you don’t need to reload often
7) Well balanced / comfortable – Well balanced and comfortable for daily concealed carry.
8) Standard pistol operation – When shooting and reloading, same muscle memory as a standard pistol.
What do you think?
Published in Concealed Carry, Self Defense
I love the idea but I’ve seen some bad ammo take some great pistols out. This just makes me very worried about the “What if’s” @brent-halstrom, @stpierre, @kim_gwinner what do you guys think?
That super cool!