Top 5 Polymer Frame Stippling Companies

Polymer frame stippling has been taking the industry by storm.  It’s a great way to make your polymer pistol your very own.  Not only aesthetically, but also giving you extra textured grip.  GLOCK pistol frames are by far the most popular frames that people want stippled, often times ranging in several different designs and textures.
Here is a look at my top 5 picks. Â The picks are based on cleanliness, lines and overall look and feel. Â I looked for smooth lines, even texture and good finish meaning no hanging plastic or noticeable blemishes. Â This is not a paid promotion article by any means and price is not a factor. Â I believe a service or product is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it and these companies all vary in price thus I will not list the service price. I will leave it up to you, the consumer to view their website and decide for yourself.
Before I jump into my picks, I am aware that there are several other stipple service providers out there. Â I have been working in the industry for over 15 years and have seen several new providers surface in just the last year alone.
Risen Gunworks
With just over 2 years under his belt, Josh, owner of Risen Gunworks has a passion for creativity with a background in music as a drummer. Â His interest for stipple came through inspiration on Instagram where he saw work from other people and always wanted to try it himself. His attention to detail really shines through on his stipple work.
His most popular stipple package is the MOD 1 Frame Package.

When it comes to stipple, John from StippGrips is no amateur. Â His work began back in 2010 with a passion for the custom GLOCK idea. Â His humble attitude and dedication to his work is what puts him on the top. Â With his open and closed booking system, this has allowed John to control workflow delivering outstanding turnaround times and a professional appeal factor.
His favorite stipple package he offers is the Presidential Velvet texture.

Landers Weapon Systems
Landers has been in business for 4 years. Â His goal is to offer enhancements that will actually improve function to help clients run their guns in the most proficient manner possible. His subtle stipple is clean, effective and undoubtedly professional. He works into the early morning hours to meet his deadlines and keep his customers satisfied.
His EDC stipple is one of the more demanded packages he offers.

Fine Line Tactical (FLT)
Dom is a man of many talents. Â He has a very diverse, artistic background and stipple came natural to him as he worked on frames for friends before starting his business Fine Line Tactical. Â Since starting his business almost 2 years ago, Dom has worked on nearly 700 frames and counting.
His most popular stipple package is the SYM stipple. AKA symmetrical.

MLS Customs
Wayne is the type of guy who loves to try things himself before he pays to have someone else do it for him. And that is exactly how he got started doing stipple work. He’s been at it since early 2014 and offers a few different packages with different options. You can see his work on his Instagram page where he shares daily photos.
The MLS Full Package is their more popular seller.

You will notice some, if not all of the providers above use a booking system.  This is critical to keeping a good workflow and managing orders.  It also helps them meet a certain turnaround time.  It’s a good idea to subscribe or follow them on Instagram to know when their books are open.  Most of them don’t stay open for long because they have a good reputation and people watch for their open books.
If you decide to send out your polymer frame to have it stippled, you should expect anywhere from 3-6 weeks turnaround time. Â This is just an average time based on the providers I listed above but can always change based on the amount of orders they receive.
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I have a stipple job from stippgrips on my mp shield 9mm and it looks amazing! So happy with it!
Damn all of the these guys are great
This is Art!