Riton Optics Welcomes Ruby Korenoski to the Official Riton Pro Staff for 2018-2019 season

Hi I’m Ruby, and I’m excited to be a member of the Riton Pro Staff!
My territory covers the quad-state area, this includes Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and Maryland.
I am headquartered in the beautiful Laurel Mountains near Johnstown, Pennsylvania. I live in a rural area with my Mom, Dad and little Sister. Our house is at the top of a hill and I am able to hunt deer, wild turkey and small game within walking distance of my backyard.
I’m 13 years old and I’m in Eighth Grade. I’ve been going Hunting, Fishing, Camping and doing all sorts of Outdoor Sports since I was in First Grade. My Mom and Dad grew up doing these outdoor activities with their families. So, they’ve encouraged my sister and I to enjoy everything the outdoors has to offer.
I like to participate in school activities, too. I’ve been involved in Cheerleading, Gymnastics, Student Council, and Chorus. Currently I’m on my High School and AYSO League Soccer Teams.
Our school, Conemaugh Township High, has a competitive Rifle Team and I hope to join that when I get into Ninth Grade. I am also an active member of the Technology Student Association (TSA) at Conemaugh High.
Recently, during a Regional TSA Competition my video project won first place. This enabled me to move on to a State Competition on April 21, 2018 where our video production project got third place.
I also enjoy singing and playing my Ukulele. I’ve been on stage singing for several Talent Shows and a multi-school Regional Chorus event. I’m in our Church Choir in the mixed group and I also sing solos during the Kids Choir at Christmas and Easter. I was even asked to sing the National Anthem at a Flag Presentation during an Elks Lodge Car Show/Fund Raiser last summer.
My Dad is a big fisherman and we especially like to go to our camp at Raystown Lake. We love to go on our pontoon boat and go fishing, tubing, swimming, water skiing, jet skiing and just cruising around the lake.
When we get back to camp at night, we cook over the campfire and watch the stars.
I also like to go hunting and shooting with my Grandfather. I’ve been going Deer and Turkey Hunting with him for the past 6 years. I like to shoot my 243 rifle, 20 gauge slug gun, 44 magnum rifle, Crossbow and my Recurve Bow.
My Grandpa and I also go Pheasant Hunting together. I love to see the bird dogs work, go on point and retrieve the Ringnecks we shoot.
I started my own website,”Ruby’s Outdoor Rendezvous” back in the Spring of 2015 and I have been adding my outdoor adventures to the site ever since.
Now, my website is growing and it’s a special place to show our viewers what’s happening in the Great Outdoors. I’ve been taking pictures with my 35mm camera and I also shoot our video hunts and info-mercials with a compact digital video camera.
Many kids my age love their outdoor activities and I hope they will like what they see in my outdoor life and become more interested in Hunting, Fishing, Shooting and Wildlife Photography.
I am posting lots of photos and short video clips about all of the RITON Optics scopes, binoculars and Red Dot sights. I’ll also post on a variety of subjects like: Wildlife, Hunting, Fishing, Photography, Camping, Boating, Water-Sports, ATV’s, Sport Shows, Events and Travel Destinations.You can follow all of my RITON adventures on my www.RORUSA.com website which is the hub for my social media, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Gmail, and Linkedin.
Are YOU interested in joining the Riton Pro Staff? Click HERE and fill out an application. We review every one we receive.
As a USA home-grown optics company founded by Law Enforcement and Military veterans, Riton takes their commitments seriously. Their absolute passion for the outdoors and those who enjoy it translates into everything they do. From their unlimited lifetime warranty on every product they make, to their high quality control and their dedicated, supportive service staff, at Riton they put their customers first. Give them a call, send an email or find them on the range and they promise to always do and give their best to serve you. For more information, visit www.RitonOptics.com.