Gen 4 and Gen 5 Glock Differences – What Are They? We have now seen the new Gen 5 Glocks and you might be wondering what the difference is between the gen 4 and gen 5… Jeremy August 31, 2017 3 Comments
UMAREX Introduces Licensed GLOCK Airsoft and BB Guns TheFirearmBlog by. Harchya H UMAREX has announced that they will be launching licensed airsoft and BB copies of Glock pistols. According to the UMAREX’s press… Boss Guns October 2, 2017 2 Comments
How the 1911 Became the World’s Most Respected Handgun How the 1911 Became the World’s Most Respected Handgun By: Tony Furr Even if you are a novice when it comes to the world of… TONY FURR June 7, 2018 13 Comments