Ammo Subscription Introduction

Thanks for being patient while we polish off our account. We’ve got a great blog on our website full of topics such as competition shooting, tactical training tips, and prepping advice. For competition shooters especially, we post shooter tips, other competitor’s training regimens, and updates on interesting new divisions.
We plan to post here now and again, but the main updating will come from our site. We also have a weekly newsletter if you’d prefer to get the posts in your inbox.
Here’s a link to our website blog in the meantime.
Did you know we also have free ammo giveaways?
Published in 2nd Amendment, Ammunition, Competitive Shooting, Uncategorized
Cool, I’ve check out your stuff really good reads. Will you be post here to?
We will, we’ve taken a week off from updating but when we resume we will post a couple ones here a week.
@daleschmidt check out these guys.
@chris-turner they have some great articles. Thanks for looking out!
Welcome ammo to the party! Subscribing to your site to. Do you have a group?
Nope, pretty new around here. Thanks for the welcome.
@ammo_subscription great website love your blog.