Category: 2nd Amendment
Should I Open a Gun Store?
Owning a gun shop can be an extremely rewarding venture, provided you can make it through all the challenges of obtaining an FFL and running…
Denied By My FFL Dealer? What to Do When Gun Buying Goes Wrong.
When purchasing a gun from a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) it is common knowledge that one must fill out the ATF’s Form 4473. Once complete,…
Make Christmas Great Again with Riton Optics
Seems to be that Christmas has become all about the chaos of present buying, cooking and crowds. From the fruit cakes to extensive gift lists…
Riton Optics Partners with GoWild as Digital Advertising Options Tighten for Firearms Companies
Like many firearms-related companies, Riton Optics has experienced its share of blocked advertising efforts from mainstream digital advertising platforms. As the company diversifies its efforts…
Riton Optics Announces 2019 NRA Booth Special Guest Appearances
MMA Sensation Chuck Liddell to be part of Lineup Military and Law Enforcement Veteran owned Riton Optics has announced their event schedule for the 2019…
Growth, Nationwide Dealer Network, Increased Demand Results In Riton Optics Expanding Pro Staff Team
For Military and Law Enforcement Veteran-Owned Riton Optics, 2018 Was Another Record-Setting Year. Much Of That Success Is Due To Riton’s Nationwide Team of Pro…
The Wounded Warrior Project Support
Auction Armory is now supporting The Wounded Warrior Project for their support of our wounded military veterans. Visit their website and donate at
Visit Riton at the 2019 SHOT Show To Win a Two Day Long-Range Precision Rifle Course
Join Riton Optics At The 2019 SHOT Show For Military Day- Wednesday, January 23rd. Veteran-owned Riton optics welcomes special military guests to the 2019 SHOT…
Join Craig and Donna Boddington at the Riton Booth for HUNTING DAY- Tuesday, January 22nd at the 2019 SHOT Show.
There aren’t many people that hunt that aren’t familiar with Craig Boddington- one of the most accomplished and cited big game hunters in the world,…